NPC has performed 300+ hotel PCAs (89,000+ rooms), 300+ housing PCAs (26,000 apartments), and 1200+ industrial PCAs (181,000 sf). Every property type has very specific requirements, therefore each NPC assessment is managed by a professional with unmatched experience in that particular industry.
Property Condition Assessment (PCA)
NPC performs Equity Level PCAs of all property types for Ownership Groups throughout the country. Using our in-house staff of generalists and specialists, we customize our PCAs to whatever level of detail you need.
Hotel PCA
If you’re buying a hotel, your PCA consultant should understand PIPs, Brand Standards, and how hotels operate. Your PCA consultant should help you make decisions on when to plan projects and why. The job is not to just reduce your risk, but to help you understand your risk and help you make informed decisions. You get this with NPC. Every Hotel PCA is run by Peter Madson, Principal, who has developed as a hotel specialist over the past 25 years. Contact Pete at or (513) 478-6569.
Industrial/Warehouse PCA
If you’re buying a warehouse, your PCA consultant should understand what building issues are important for marketing the product such as clear height, dock configurations, and sprinkler systems. High dollar/risk items such as roofing, slabs, and pavements need careful evaluation. You get this with NPC. Every Industrial/Warehouse PCA is run by Ben Bartel, Principal, who has developed as an industrial specialist over the past 20 years. Contact Ben at or (847) 289-5221.
Affordable Housing Capital Needs Assessment (CNA)
Doing a LIHTC deal or submitting a project to RD? Your CNA consultant should understand the latest QAP, latest as-is and post-rehab requirements for RD, or any specific requirements of the agency is reviewing. They should know what construction materials gets PUPA below $400 or $300. OHFA’s latest requirements, KHA CRRS, Indiana Schedule F, specific local requirements everywhere. We’ve done it. Every affordable housing project is run by Femi Oyelese, Director of Housing Services, who has developed as an affordable housing specialist over the past 20 years. Contact Femi at or (513) 600-9161.
Green PCA
A Green PCA provides options and budgets for repair/replacements with greener, sustainable options. This typically includes and Energy Audit, coordinated with the Green PCA, in order to include energy efficient options in the PCA. NPC completed the very first affordable housing Green PCA in 2007 when their long-term client CreditVest asked if we could figure out how to include Green options in s recent PCA we completed for a 500+ unit property. This was a pre-curser to HUD-OAHP’s Green Retrofit Program. We knew that we were on to something when we saw another consultant’s “official” Green PCA report that was a direct copy of our format! Contact Pete at or (513) 478-6569.
ADA Consulting
NPC performs ADA Surveys of all building types, with a specialty in hotels. Our full ADA surveys include the 1991 and 2010 standards, along with State and Local Codes. These are performed as a part of pre-purchase due diligence, renovation planning, and even change of use. We include recommendations for compliance and budgets. Contact Pete at or (513) 478-6569.
Plan and Cost Review/Draw Review
Typically performed for lenders as a second set of eyes on a new construction or renovation project, NPC’s staff has over 20 years of experience performing this work. We review the constructions documents, contracts, schedule of values, etc. to give the lender a 2nd opinion that the documents and budgets are sufficient to complete the project. During construction, we visit the site to track progress and recommend payments. Contact Pete at or (513) 478-6569.
Due Diligence Forwards
Similar to a Plan and Cost Review, these are performed for groups that are buying new developments from the developer. Since our clients sign contracts to buy these developments prior to construction being completed, they need to know that the project is viable and that the development can be completed as planned. We review the construction documents, recommend options where appropriate, and monitor the construction progress so the client gets the development they are hoping for. Contact Ben at or (847) 289-5221.