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Excellence in Building Assessments
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+ Property Condition Assessments

+ Capital Needs Assessments

+ Construction Loan Monitoring & Draw Reviews

+ Roof/Building Envelope/Paving Services

+ Energy Services

+ Facility Testing Services

+ Specialty Building Assessments

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National Property Consulting Group
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+ The Experience You Need

+ The Trust You Deserve

+ Trusted Experts

+ Unbiased Insights

+ Unsurpassed Depth of Experience

+ Customized Approach

+ On-time Delivery

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National Property Consulting Group (NPC) is a nationwide building assessment and advisory firm, which specializes in the hospitality, industrial, and affordable housing sectors. Our team is composed of experienced structural and mechanical engineers, architects, ADA specialists, and façade, roofing, and energy experts. We excel in helping our clients make informed decisions by listening to their concerns, understanding the issues, and providing unbiased, independent, and reliable assessments and solutions.

Sectors of Expertise


Select and full-service hotels, resorts, and other hospitality facilities


Small flex to over 1,000,000 sf distribution and manufacturing facilities


Property Condition Assessments (PCAs) and Draw Reviews for all building types


Small suburban offices, office parks, and downtown high rise office buildings


Small to large stores, strip shopping centers, and malls


Small to large distribution centers and sorting centers

Affordable Housing

CNAs, PCNAs, Green PCAs for USDA RD, HUD Mark to Market, HUD MAP, as well as State Housing & Finance Authorities


Large campuses comprised of all different types of buildings including industrial, office, & specialty, such as utility complexes


Campuses comprised of all different types of buildings including industrial, office, & specialty, such as bunkers and hangars

K-12 Education

School buildings and district facilities, including athletic venues.